Let’s See How Lil’ Kim Defends Her “Pay Pal Sales”


Rap-Up gave Mizz Kimmy Blanco a platform to address (defend) the recent controversy surrounding her alleged first day sales of her mixtape, Black Friday. On Twitter Lil’ Kim said she sold 113k which was immediately deemed unrealistic not just because she is Lil’ Kim but because she was asking people to BUY her mixtape….again BUY a Lil’ Kim mixtape! Thanks to the investigation work of Karen Civil we also learned that selling 113k was not possible because Paypal only allows a certain amount of money to be made per day in a new account. Read Kim’s reaction to doubters as well as Nicki’s “LMAOOOO” response. *re-reads interview* *smh* *pulls out whiskey*

You tweeted that you sold 113,000 copies of Black Friday within 28 hours. Is that accurate?
Right now it could be more.

What do you say to those who question the authenticity of those figures?
At the end of the day, you’re always going to have your haters. We need the haters. There was actually a representative at PayPal who basically didn’t really confirm or deny it, but also [said] that they’re very happy and proud of the success of Lil’ Kim. I think numbers in other areas speak for themselves. I mean, why aren’t they questioning the Black Friday [video] being at 2.5 [million views] in less than 18 hours? Why aren’t they questioning that? What’s the difference? How can you add up one thing and not the other? I just feel like people pick and choose the area that they want to attack [laughs].

Do you know the current sales numbers?
No, I actually don’t know right now. I have a team that kinda checks up on all that. We’ll keep you posted.

Nicki Minaj laughed off your sales claims. Did you see that?
I heard about it. I didn’t see it actually for myself, but to be honest with you, homegirl is basically obsolete to me right now. She’s doing a lot of lame stuff. She’s so lame to me right now—she’s always been, but now really. At the end of the day, her sales can be questioned also. Not to say she didn’t have the build-up, but the only thing you kept hearing before her album dropped was nobody liked it, it was wack. Don’t get me wrong, she might have a couple songs that are OK, but who cares. The haters will be haters, that’s their job, and we need them.


About jaimlou

Manager of Publicity & Artists Relations at LULU COHEN MEDIA

Posted on February 18, 2011, in Blog, New ish, Really?. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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